Så bryter man mot lagen också
Bad vänligt om ledigt för Emil sista dagen på terminen för vår resa. Det gick inte!! Fick brev med följande innehåll:
Dear Parents
Refusal of Request for Absence
You have requested a leave of absence on the last day of term. On this occatin I am unable to give such leave because it does not meet the requirements of the Attendance Plicy. Governors have expressly asked me not to grant leave for odd days during term time.
The criteria set by school governors for granting leave of absence are in the attendance policy and are clear, and the Governors have asked me to remind you that absence for reasons other than illness without the Headteacher's permission is illegal. Regular attendance and punctuality is a prerequisite of good progress and high attainment. When making arrangements in the future, I would be grateful if you would give consideration to the school policy and the need for regular and consistent attendance in order to achieve high attainment.
The school attendance target, set by the Local Authority, is 96,9% attendance. This will we very hard to achieve, especially if parents choose to take their children out if school during term time. If we do not meet this target it reflects badly on the school in both Local Authority and OFSTED inspections.
Your child's attendance so far this year is 82,8%.
Under the policy no child's absence for reasons other than illness can be authorised if their attendance is less than 95%
Yours sincerely
Så, Emil har haft flunsa och ska därför straffas. Alternativet är att jag låter honom skolka, då begår jag lagbrott, undrar vad straffet blir? Om fängelse vill jag avtjäna det hemma ;-)) Gillar INTE England just nu!
Dear Parents
Refusal of Request for Absence
You have requested a leave of absence on the last day of term. On this occatin I am unable to give such leave because it does not meet the requirements of the Attendance Plicy. Governors have expressly asked me not to grant leave for odd days during term time.
The criteria set by school governors for granting leave of absence are in the attendance policy and are clear, and the Governors have asked me to remind you that absence for reasons other than illness without the Headteacher's permission is illegal. Regular attendance and punctuality is a prerequisite of good progress and high attainment. When making arrangements in the future, I would be grateful if you would give consideration to the school policy and the need for regular and consistent attendance in order to achieve high attainment.
The school attendance target, set by the Local Authority, is 96,9% attendance. This will we very hard to achieve, especially if parents choose to take their children out if school during term time. If we do not meet this target it reflects badly on the school in both Local Authority and OFSTED inspections.
Your child's attendance so far this year is 82,8%.
Under the policy no child's absence for reasons other than illness can be authorised if their attendance is less than 95%
Yours sincerely
Så, Emil har haft flunsa och ska därför straffas. Alternativet är att jag låter honom skolka, då begår jag lagbrott, undrar vad straffet blir? Om fängelse vill jag avtjäna det hemma ;-)) Gillar INTE England just nu!
Postat av: Anonym
alltså det där händer även i Sverige vill jag påpeka....kanske inte riktigt lika allvarliga brev...
Hampus var sjuk i 2 veckor med nån vecka frisk mellan, då blev det möte med skolsköterskan om samma sak, att han bara skulle få 75% närvaro eller vad det nu var. Vad ska man göra?? Jag höll ju inte honom hemma för att det var kul..
Jag hoppas det löser sig för er på nåt sätt..
/ Lotta