Dessa brittiska skolor

Så har barnens skolor varit stängda i två dagar. Varför det var stängt i dag kan man grunna på för det slutade att snöa igår vid middagstid.
Emils skola har tagit sitt förnuft till fånga och öppnar i morgon, dock startar skolan en timma och en kvart senare än vanligt för att vi ska kunna ta oss dit på ett säkert vis. Märk väl att 95 procent av eleverna bor inom en kvarts gångavstånd...
Lukas skola är väderkänsligare, följande meddelande fanns på deras hemsida i dag:

Welcome to Marlborough School Science College

Due to the heavy snowfall yesterday, problems with staff travelling into school, and the difficulties faced in getting the site safe for use, regrettably the school will remain closed on Friday 8th January.

We are hoping to be in a position to open the school on Monday 11th January, so that the planned examinations can go ahead, however this will be very much dependent on what the weather brings over the weekend. There will be sufficient staff in school to supervise these public examinations and we therefore expect to see all year 11, 12 & 13 students in school. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of staff who will safely be able to attend school, we are unable to open for years 7 - 10. We therefore ask that students please visit the school's VLE where work will be made available to you, or failing this please use the Sam Learning, MyMaths or BBC Bitesize websites.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience that that this may cause you.
I hope that you will understand and support my decision, which has not been an easy one to make, as I do not wish to put anybody's safety at risk. All decisions made have been done so in full consultation with the Chair of Governors. Obviously, if there are any changes to the above, then we will update the school website as soon as possible.


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